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Bounz vs. Coworking in Vancouver: The Dollars and Sense of By-the-Hour Office Space

If you’re searching for a coworking space in Vancouver, stop, take a second, and read this before you continue your search.

While coworking can be a cost-effective and flexible way to work in a professional environment rather than a coffee shop or your home office, it isn’t the only option available.

And, depending on your needs, it might not be the best and most affordable one. 

The Pitfalls of Traditional Coworking in Vancouver 

Unlike traditional high-priced office leasing, coworking in Vancouver makes professional office space accessible to everyone. 

Rather than having to rent a massive office with a multi-year lease, you can get access to hot desks, dedicated desks, private office space, and sometimes even enterprise suites and full floors—with more cost-effective pricing and flexible lease terms. 

There’s no doubt that it’s an incredible opportunity for many solopreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, and even established organizations.

But here’s the thing about coworking in Vancouver—as flexible and cost-effective as it might be, it still makes you sign up for longer-term contracts and pay for your workspace, even when you’re not using it.

At Bounz, we follow the coworking model, but we’ve taken it one step further—embracing flexibility and cost-consciousness in their truest forms.

We’ve made professional office space—and all the benefits that come with it—available to you by the hour.

Rather than talking in hypotheticals, let’s make sense of the dollars and cents by diving into the economics of it all. 

Bounz vs. Coworking in Vancouver

Let’s start off by looking at traditional coworking options in Vancouver.

Typically, you have a few options when it comes to coworking:

  1. Dedicated desks in open workspaces that cost $700 per month on average
  2. Monthly hot desk memberships which are around $350 per month in Vancouver
  3. Day allotments that will cost you around $150 for five days per month and $250 for 10 days per month 
  4. Drop-ins and day passes that will cost around $50

These are great options. But there are a few issues with them.

Problem #1 with Coworking in Vancouver

With a monthly membership, you’ll be paying for that space even when you’re not using it.

Problem #2 with Coworking in Vancouver

With daily plans, you’ll burn one of your allotted days, whether you work there for one hour or eight hours.

Problem #3 with Coworking in Vancouver

With hot desking memberships, day allotments, and drop-ins, you only get access to the space during regular business hours.

Problem #4 with Coworking in Vancouver

None of these options offer you a private workspace where you can close the door, take calls, meet with clients, or buckle down and focus. Instead, you have to find an available desk in an open area, cross your fingers that you can avoid being distracted while you work, and hope you can book a meeting room when you need privacy.

If you plan to be at your coworking space multiple days a week and you don’t mind being in an open area with dozens of other people, this isn’t a bad setup. 

But what if you’re an on-the-go pro who only needs to be there a few hours per week to take calls, meet with a client, or buckle down to do some focus work? 

Consider how much that hot desk or dedicated desk in a busy open area will cost you on an hourly basis based on your needs. And, beyond that, consider how conducive that environment will be for your productivity.

On the other hand, consider the value of being able to get private meeting space on a per-hour basis, paying only for the time that you use.

That’s what Bounz is all about. 

We priced our On-Demand 10 package at $198 per month—or $19.80 per hour—and our On-Demand 20 package at $298 per month—or $14.90 per hour—to make it more cost-effective and flexible than anything else on the market. 

These packages give you on-demand private, secure, and professional office space (that will typically cost you extra with a coworking membership) at a fraction of the cost.

Bounz vs. Private Offices and Enterprise Suites in Vancouver

Admittedly, coworking spaces aren’t just great options for solo pros and SMBs. Many of them also offer private offices and enterprise suites for larger companies, satellite teams, and established organizations.

From our research, here’s what you can expect to pay for these spaces in Vancouver:

  • $1,000 per month and up for an office suitable for one to two people
  • $2,000 to $7,000 plus per month for larger offices
  • Tens of thousands per month for enterprise suites and full floors

For some companies, this is the optimal option. Many companies have mandated their teams to be in the office full-time. 

And, in these cases, coworking is a significantly better option than traditional leasing which will cost you, on average, between $140 and $200 per square foot in Vancouver.

But for other businesses—such as those that operate on a hybrid model—this option is far from cost-effective.

For many hybrid businesses and teams, their offices are only utilized about 30% of the time—meaning you’re paying for 100% of a workspace that’s only one-third full at any given time. 

That’s why we created our custom Enterprise solutions at Bounz, allowing you to tailor your office space package to your organization’s needs.

Rather than paying for a full office each month, you can purchase the volume of office hours that you need and then pool them among your team.

This way, you’re giving your employees on-demand access to office space when they want and need it without throwing away money on underutilized space. 

And all of those extra expenses we listed above are included in your monthly membership cost.

What You Get at Bounz: Everything You Need Without Paying for Things You Don’t Need

We built the Bounz model with all-inclusive pricing in mind. Each month, all you need to pay for is your office hours, and you also get:

  • 24/7 access so you can work when it suits you best
  • Mail reception and handling services.
  • Private workspaces where you can close your door and enjoy privacy rather than hustle and bustle
  • All the furnishings you need for a productive workday
  • Fast, secure internet access
  • Support from Alice, our AI assistant 
  • Your company name listed on our virtual directory to support a professional image for your business

And rather than paying for services you don’t use, you can opt to add on additional upgrades if—and only if—you want them, including: 

  • Premium beverages
  • Meeting room access
  • Event space rental
  • Printing services
  • Phone answering services customized to your business

At Bounz, you don’t have to compromise on the privacy and professionalism of having your own office space. You can have it all without paying for it all. 

If you’re looking for a coworking space, we love where your head’s at. But we’d also encourage you to explore all of your options and find the one that really gives you flexibility and helps you keep money where it belongs: in your pocket. 

So, are you ready to break free of the constraints of traditional office space and experience the ultimate in workplace flexibility? Book a tour of Bounz today